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February Update - 2022

The Gilded Age continues on HBO Max. Simon plays the most proper of proper butlers, Bannister.

Of Epsiode 4, Alice Burton wrote in The Vulture, a section of New York Magazine:

“Bannister touring the Russells’ mansion is exactly what I wanted from the series.

Can Bannister come back and tell the Russells’ staff everything they’re doing wrong and why? Because if that were the rest of the series, I would avidly watch every minute of it.”

Simon also gave talks to The Dutch Treat Club (Feb 1st), The Coffee House at the Salmagundi (Feb 9th), and The Players (Feb 18th) about the making of "The Gilded Age” in the time of Covid. (Possible title: Putting the EPIC into EPidemIC.)

“Somersett” was nominated as one of five finalists for a 2022 Audie by the Audio Publishers Association in the History/Biography category.

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