As expected filming for Season Three of The Gilded Age began on July 9th and has, so far (touch wood) proceeded as planned. We did a video tribute/greeting for Julian Fellowes for his 75th Birthday, which cannot have failed to amuse/surprise him, and he sent grateful
Here's our "downstairs" crew singing birthday greetings - fittingly on the stairs of the set.

The September Issue of Vogue hit the stands on August 21st and I appear in two photos of the sequence called “Heist of the Heart”, as a jaded Surete detective, overseeing the arrest of Blake Lively as “The Cat”, and as a high rolling gambler in the shot in the Monte Carlo Casino, where “The Cat” spots the stunning necklace, her theft of which leads to her downfall at the hands of “L’Ombre”, an agent from Interpol (Hugh Jackman). (The beard does look perhaps a bit photogenically French?) Alas, the US Vogue is not the same as the UK September Issue.